YES!! Its SPO not SEO. SPO simply stands for SEARCH PERSON OPTIMIZATION. Few years back, SEO is all about to get top position in search engine results but today, apart from getting top position in search engine results, the term SEO includes several more perspectives like site performance, user Click-thrus, Visitor Engagement and last but not the least More business. These all above terms converts SEO as SPO.
In SPO, we simply optimize our websites for the search person instead of search engines so that person who is performing search can get more accurate information with less effrot and less time and user will stay on our site more longer. Apart from user perspective, we can get more traffic in turn more business that's why we all are here!!
To achieve SPO, few parameters are quite important which is explain below.
Website must appear in top search results: Most of the users are quite lazy so if your website is not displaying in top search result then they don't visit your site. To get top position in search results, webmasters must includes exact keywords in title tag and meta tags for which user is looking.
User must click on website link: If your website is displaying in top 10 search engine results and user is still not clicking on website link then what is the user of SEO?? To get rid of this problem, you need to include exact information in your meta description for what user is searching.
Website Rank: Its is the another parameter through which SPO can be achieved. Website rank is the synonym of website reliability. Website with higher rank means more reliable site then any other site with lower rank.

User must engage with the site: Most of the user are quite impatient. They quickly switch to one site to another site if they dont find exact information for which they are looking. So one must include exact information in body copy of each page of website. Thus you can get more traffic to your website.
More business: By following all above parameters, you can achieve SPO which will give you more business.
So Remember that instead of optimizing your site for the search engine, You need to optimize the website for the people who come to your website through the search engine results that call SPO not SEO.
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