No doubt , SEO is a very strong tool for Web promotion. Since origin, the technique of SEO (search engine optimization ) has undergone a lot of changes. Still, the trend reflects variations almost on a daily basis due to latest upcoming technologies and business trends. More significantly the variations in SEO trends majorly depend upon consequential change in the interests of the web surfers and viewers. These days a new innovative trend has revolutionised the entire SEO world. The trend being doing SEO via Ranking brands.
The Entire technique of SEO Ranking has changed today. More and more search engines are accenting the brands instead of concentrating on the other elements. Although undoubtedly the content of any website or a page plays a vital role in peaking towards top search engine page ranks. Yet the outrageousness of the task appended with new sites and blogs coming up everyday has diversified the stress now to Ranking by brands rather than the traditional Ranking via links or Ranking with simple contents.
The upgradation in the search engine algorithms has lead to unexpected outputs. Even search engine like Google is focusing on the branded search results. Such Algorithm modifications have adversely affected a multiple sites that mainly focused on low level search engine optimization methods. All of a sudden the pages that use to pop up instantly on searching vanished from the result pages. The main factors that led to the disappearing of the search pages are listed below.
Apart from this, the algorithms are constantly focusing on the brands rather than links or keywords. This has made SEO optimization even more harder for the webmasters. The traditional practices of buying or trading links using the target keyword included in the link anchor test and repetition is no more applicable with Google and many more search engines today.
The Entire technique of SEO Ranking has changed today. More and more search engines are accenting the brands instead of concentrating on the other elements. Although undoubtedly the content of any website or a page plays a vital role in peaking towards top search engine page ranks. Yet the outrageousness of the task appended with new sites and blogs coming up everyday has diversified the stress now to Ranking by brands rather than the traditional Ranking via links or Ranking with simple contents.

- Repetitive use of the same anchor text and Inadequate variation in the content.
- Redundant use of keywords and key phrases in the page title and on the pages also.
- Proximal use of the key phrases and keywords distributed over the entire contents on the website and their relative similarities.
- Inappropriate vocabulary in the page's copy. Thus, hampering the search engine spiders in navigating towards and identifying a specific website.
Apart from this, the algorithms are constantly focusing on the brands rather than links or keywords. This has made SEO optimization even more harder for the webmasters. The traditional practices of buying or trading links using the target keyword included in the link anchor test and repetition is no more applicable with Google and many more search engines today.
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