Black Hat SEO i.e Black Hat search engine optimization may be defined as a process of of getting high Search Engine Rankings in an illegal manner.The Black Hat SEO techniques may involve either of the following activities:
The Black Hat SEO techniques have gained a lot of popularity amongst the SEO professionals from a past few years, as it makes you achieve high rankings in a very short period of time. But on the other side this process is a bit risky also. If you are noticed once by the Search Engine you'll either have to pay a penalty or your website will be spammed. So, we all should take a pledge of not to use the Black Hat SEO techniques and instead achieving high Search Engine Rankings by genuine and honest means.
- Violating Search Engine rules and regulations.
- Rendering an inadequate user experience mainly due to the Black Hat SEO techniques used on the Web site.
- The Black Hat SEO displays the content of the website in a unethical way to the Search Engine spiders and Search Engine users.
The Black Hat SEO techniques have gained a lot of popularity amongst the SEO professionals from a past few years, as it makes you achieve high rankings in a very short period of time. But on the other side this process is a bit risky also. If you are noticed once by the Search Engine you'll either have to pay a penalty or your website will be spammed. So, we all should take a pledge of not to use the Black Hat SEO techniques and instead achieving high Search Engine Rankings by genuine and honest means.